Yifan Jiang

Math DPhil student at Oxford


S 2.49

Andrew Wiles Building

Oxford, United Kingdom

Hi, all!

I am Yifan Jiang (蒋亦凡), a final year student in the Mathematics of Random Systems CDT. Before coming to Oxford, I studied as an undergraduate in Mathematics at Fudan University. I have a broad interest in stochastic analysis and its applications in finance and machine learning.

It is my honor to be supervised by Professor Jan Obłój and Professor Gui-Qiang Chen. My DPhil research is focused on a causal transport–type distributionally robust optimization in dynamic context.


  1. Sep 2, 2024
    A new preprint on the sensitivity of causal DRO is now available. We introduce a pathwise Malliavin deriviative and extend the adjoint operator, Skorokhod integral, to a class of regular martingale integrators.
  2. Feb 1, 2024
    A new preprint on the duality of causal DRO is now available. Any comments are very welcome!
  3. Oct 2, 2023
    Our paper has been recently accepted for NeurIPS 2023 🎉🎉🎉

Selected Publications

  1. Wasserstein Distributional Robustness of Neural Networks
    Xingjian Bai, Guangyi He, Yifan Jiang, and Jan Obłój
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, Dec 2023
  2. Empirical Approximation to Invariant Measures for McKean–Vlasov Processes: Mean-field Interaction vs Self-interaction
    Kai Du, Yifan Jiang, and Jinfeng Li
    Bernoulli, Aug 2023
  3. Convergence of the Deep BSDE Method for FBSDEs with Non-Lipschitz Coefficients
    Yifan Jiang, and Jinfeng Li
    Probability, Uncertainty and Quantitative Risk, Dec 2021